Bộ phân tích RF - WinSoft

Bộ phân tích RF - WinSoft

Danh mục
Thương hiệu National instrument
Model NISW09-12-001
Cập nhật
Mô tả Phân tích: Băng thông chiếm dụng (OBW) Nguồn kênh liền kề (ACP) Công suất kênh (CHP) Điều chế chức năng mật độ tích lũy bổ sung (CCDF) (IMD) Mặt nạ phát xạ phổ (SEM) IQ (Dạng sóng) Nhiễu pha
Cần tư vấn thêm? Hotline/Zalo: 0966 580 080
Bộ phân tích RF - WinSoft
  • Occupied Bandwidth (OBW)
  • Adjacent Channel Power (ACP)
  • Channel Power (CHP)
  • Complementary Cumulative Density Function (CCDF) Intermodulation (IMD)
  • Spectrum Emission Mask (SEM) IQ (Waveform)
  • Phase Noise
  • Download
The WinSoft RF Analyzer (RFA) is an intuitive software panel that enables the use of RF PXI modules as a classical, commonly used spectrum analyzer. The RFA, combined with PXI modules, functions as a subset of a traditional spectrum analyzer. Its modular design and NI LabVIEW support enable the integration of new modules as they become available. Current function value readouts, such as Center Frequency, Frequency Span, Reference Level, Resolution Bandwidth, Attenuation, Scale, and so on, are displayed in real time the same way that a traditional analyzer displays them.

You can select markers such as “Marker to Peak” and “Marker to Frequency."

The RFA takes advantage of the exceptional price/performance of National Instruments PXI RF modules while providing the look and feel of a traditional spectrum analyzer plus making it possible to perform the most highly used spectrum analyses and power measurements.

The RFA works with the following NI PXI modules:
-NI PXI-5661 2.7 GHz vector signal analyzer
-NI PXIe-5663 6.6 GHz vector signal analyzer

Combined with a touch screen and other PXI modules, the RFA works well for benchtop testing, training, and R&D analysis.

Support Information
For technical support, please contact WinSoft at
Email: support@winsoft.com
Phone: (949) 428-4844 x204
Website: winsoft.com

Disclaimer: The third-party add-ons for LabVIEW on this page are offered by independent third-party providers who are solely responsible for such products. NI shall have no responsibility whatsoever for the performance of the third-party add-ons.